


Technology a boon or a curse has been a controversial subject however 2020 has proved that Technology if used wisely can indeed be a boon. Thanks to technology, we have been able to connect and meet our family members and friends virtually atleast despite of the social distancing.

Change is inevitable and we need to change with the changing times. We take this opportunity to announce a major change in the functioning of our age old newsletter Prabhu Tarun as we adapt ourselves and adhere to the need of the hour.


Prabhu Tarun had launched its Website in August 2009. It has been more than a decade and a lot of changes have taken place since then. We are extremely happy to announce that as a part of our Centenary celebration we are Restructuring our Website which will serve as a DATA BASE for our community members AND ALSO LAUNCHING OUR PRABHU TARUN APP WHICH YOU CAN ACCESS FROM YOUR MOBILE PHONES.

We would like to make an appeal to you all as we will need your support and contribution from your end to preserve our community data for Generations to come. This website will have contents which will be of the Pathare Prabhus, by the Pathare Prabhus however it will not be restricted only FOR the Pathare Prabhus. The website will have sections which will be useful and accessible even for non Pathare Prabhus.

Today’s generation might not feel the necessity or importance of having a data of our community or rather know anything about our community. But you never know their children might want to search for their roots and would not know where to look for… so here we are trying to build up a data base for our coming generations where they will find everything they want to know about Pathare Prabhus under one roof.

The details of the contents of the website will be shared on our Prabhu Tarun Facebook group and we request you all to watch out for updates on Facebook.

We have tried our level best to continuing serving the community and setting up a data base for the benefit of our community members however maintaining the website for years to come is a responsibility of every Pathare Prabhu as we can create a website, upload the data however kindly keep in mind that preserving the data forever will come for a cost which is the responsibility of every Pathare Prabhu.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. The strength of the team is each individual member and the strength of each member, is the team. We have a team of Pathare Prabhus who have a common vision and we are striving hard to achieve our goals for the benefit of our community.

PRABHU TARUN GOES DIGITAL TEAM is the brain child our our Trustee Mr. Pranav Desai and Sanjana Kothare and we are supported by like minded friends who have committed themselves as we share the same vision for the benefit of our community members.

1. Pranav Desai - Pranav is Prabhu Tarun Trustee and has taken up the initiative to take Prabhu Tarun Online.

2. Sanjana Kothare - Sanjana has been associated with Prabhu Tarun since the year 1994 and has been working as an Associate Editor for the Prabhu Tarun Newsletter since 2008. Sanjana has been actively participating under the Prabhu Tarun banner in organizing cultural events, writing and has worked closely on the website which was launched in 2009 as well as in revamping this website.

3. Mayura Nayak -
Mayura’s association with Prabhu Tarun has been since her childhood days while performing in the cultural activities organized by Prabhu Tarun and has been working as an Associate Editor since 2008. Mayura has been actively participating under the Prabhu Tarun banner in organizing cultural events, writing and revamping this website.

4. Janhavi Kirtikar - Janhavi’s connection with Prabhu Tarun goes right from its inception as Janhavi’s great grand father Shivshankar Talpade happens to be one of the founder members of this esteemed newsletter Prabhu Tarun. Janhavi has also been actively participating under the Prabhu Tarun banner in organizing cultural events besides handling the change of addresses for the newsletter publication since several years.

5. Sunil Pawar is married to Dnyanada Pradhan d/o Ramesh and Surekha Pradhan. Sunil has been managing our website since its inception in 2009 and he plays a vital part in organizing online events for Prabhu Tarun activities and also managing this website.

6. Dnyanada Pradhan Pawar has been with Prabhu Tarun since the year 2009 and has been assisting us with the Website since then alongwith her husband Sunil Pawar. Despite of the time difference as they are based in the US and we in India, Sunil and Dnyanada both have been available for us whenever we need them.

7. Monica Rane Iyer is also based in US and joined Prabhu Tarun on the working committee since 2020. However her association with Prabhu Tarun is decades old, being the daughter of Pandit Sujan Rane and Neelima Rane. Pandit Sujan Rane has been a part of the Prabhu Tarun family since the term of the then editor Shri. Suhas Kothare.

8. Mihika Navalkar has joined our working committee in the year 2020.

9. Akshay Kothare
joined Prabhu Tarun Working Committee in the year 2020 and assists us with the Technical Aspect being a Techie himself.

10. Anushry Kothare’s
association with Prabhu Tarun has been since her childhood days while performing in the cultural activities organized by Prabhu Tarun and has joined the working committee in the year 2020.

11. Sagar Rane Devrukhkar has also joined Prabhu Tarun Working Committee in the year 2020 however has ancestral connections with Prabhu Tarun as Sagar happens to be the grandson of the once Chairman of Prabhu Tarun board Mr. Shrikar Rane who was also closely associated with Mr Suhas Kothare and has worked during his term for Prabhu Tarun.

12. Shivani Devrukhkar
is the wife of Sagar Devrukhkar and has joined our working committee in the year 2020.

So that’s TEAM DIGITAL for you all. Looking forward to a new Digital Beginning for Prabhu Tarun and we also look forward to your support in providing data and also maintenance of the website.


Pranav Desai

Sanjana Kothare

Mayura Nayak

Janhavi Kirtikar

Sunil Pawar

Dnyanada Pradhan Pawar

Monica Rane Iyer

Mihika Navalkar

Akshay Kothare

Anushry Kothare

Sagar Devrukhkar

Shivani Devrukhkar


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